Members of Sadhana Study Circle, New Jersey, USA live far apart from each other. That makes them unable to meet every day or every week for studying Integral Yoga of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo. Only monthly Study Circle is possible. To keep that spiritual atmosphere alive, a quotation-service of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo was started through daily email.
The quotations were served through a beautifully designed card. It has attracted the members and their families. They started distributing their friends. And circle widen through more friends and social media. MirraBliss has taken a special care to the widening circle and started distributing through a special Mail-Server so that each country residents get them in their own early morning time. Afterward, the collection of a whole month's BlissCards are put permanently on Mirra Bliss web-site for viewing and study to all.
This web-site is very happy to see that there are so many people world over who have a real thirst for Spiritual Knowledge and Integral Yoga Study. Hope, all their thirst will be transformed into an Aspiration and Samarpan to the Divine!
Salute to the New Dawn.
Salute to the New Consciousness.
Salute to The Mother and Sri Aurobindo!
Our dedication, our aspiration and our samarpan always remain for the Supreme!
All at their Lotus Feet!