The daily message cards impact the daily life-style. The results are so amazing that our members' families provided more email addresses of their friends and relatives. Well, once they extended them to the social media friends, the whole thing resulted in a very large mailing list. Today, thousands of members world over receive daily cards in their emails. And the the process is still continue......! We saw that on social media people have already put the information they what they think about Sri Aurobindo and the Mother; quotations for them are to say good morning or good night without understanding the very hard labor done by these great masters of Spirituality. Some web-sites have created 'Prist-like' services and have tried to convert the essence of Integral Yoga into a great Religion. The pictures of these great personalities are worn with female and male cloths and there are idols of Them worshiping like God and Goddess though both have told that they are not gods. The relics places have put Temple like Dome on it just to create a temple like religious atmosphere ! Well, their adoration we appreciate but their blind-faith and that related activities we don't. The western world is so much amazed with the practicals done by the Mother on the body cell that they are creating new science out of it and started putting new words and terminology to present Integral Yoga and its presentation of the Layers of Consciousness. ....! Also, so many lecturers have pop-up to show you what is Purna Yoga just to gain a name and fame and of course, some good money for their 'visit' ! Same thing about the writers - in their books they have change the words of the original writings of both great personality only to come out the meaning what he (the writer) has understood - poor human beings !!! These changes are going on and on - so we think that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother own words must be there to understand the very deep meaning of the spirituality they have brought into the humankind for further evolution process. So we have put all the quotation cards with further reading links which takes you to the page, chapter or the book of the presented quotation. Hope, you will enjoy the great revolution of our Time through beautiful quotation cards and if you want to grab them there is always a 'download' link with each card. At Their Lotus Feet .....! Team - Sadhana Study Circle and Reader's Club of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Mantras of Bliss and Transformation Card Series started by Sadhana Study Circle, New Jersey, USA and distributes quotation cards of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother for many years through daily email. As the members of Sadhana Study Circle live much far away from each other, and are able to get together just once a month for Prayers, Meditation, Reading, Presentation, etc.; the daily card in email has helped a lot to be remained in daily Satsang and Sadhana. |